Makeup class for Cox High School

Another great opportunity for my part was being asked to teach a class at one of the best Schools in Virginia beach which is “Cox High School”.
Every time i teach a class the experience I gain, virtually transforms my personal level of confidence into a higher gear.I get to actually learn from the students. There questions were also helpful for me to actually go back to my roots. Example: how I started the business? It reminded me of how difficult my journey was to get to where Iam! It’s a humbling experience.
And I truly hope by sharing my knowledge will also inspire them to work hard.

Here are some of the pictures that was taken during our “fun” class:







I got the chance to do 2 makeup demos.

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Continue to stay beautiful ladies!
And I wish you all the very best with all your endeavors!

Special thanks to Mackenzie Brown for the invite
Zoe weber – my gorgeous model!
and Cypress for assisting me that day, It wouldn’t have been successful without you!